WELCOME TO OUR 6TH ANNUAL GIFT EXCHANGE!REMINDER: We have implemented a few new rules so make sure to check that out!!
Thank you for your interest in the Jikook secret santa!!This is a fanfiction and art gift exchange, where participants can gift personalized works to someone based on their prompts and will recieve a gift in return!Participants can have multiple roles so please remember to check out the roles you are interested in! ⬇️
As a writer, You will have the chance to create a personalized Fanfiction for another participant and you wil receive a personalized gift in exchange. ⛄Here is how it works:
SIGN-UPS: Fill out the writer application form! (Remember to update the DNWs section with ANY triggering tags as there are NO fest restrictions regarding tags!!) You are required to have an AO3 account to sign-up!
PROMPT ASSIGNMENT: You will be assigned prompts based off your writing preferences! (You have creative liberty over your work! So you are free to change things around as long as it DOES NOT clash with your recipients DNWs!
CHECK INS:There are 3 total check-ins for the fest, (Check the schedule for dates!!) This is when you can communicate with the mods about any struggles you might be having and keep us updated!
DROP OUT DEADLINE: Although we have a set deadline to drop out, Please keep the mods updated on if you would like to drop out after the dealine has passed as no communication leads to an IMMEDIATE BLACKLIST!
WORK SUBMISSION: Send in your completed work!!
BATCH CLAIMING: You can pick when your work will be revealed!!
As a Artist, You will have the chance to create a personalized artwork for another participant and you wil receive a personalized gift in exchange. ⛄Here is how it works:
SIGN-UPS: Fill out the artist application form! (Remember to update the DNWs section with ANY triggering tags as there are NO fest restrictions regarding tags!!) You require a Twitter account to sign-up.
PROMPT ASSIGNMENT: You will be assigned prompts based off your preferences! (You have creative liberty over your work! So you are free to change things around as long as it DOES NOT clash with your recipients DNWs!
CHECK INS:There are 3 total check-ins for the fest, (Check the schedule for dates!!) This is when you can communicate with the mods about any struggles you might be having and keep us updated!
DROP OUT DEADLINE: Although we have a set deadline to drop out, Please keep the mods updated on if you would like to drop out after the dealine has passed as no communication leads to an IMMEDIATE BLACKLIST!
WORK SUBMISSION: Send in your completed work!!
BATCH CLAIMING: You can pick when your work will be revealed!!
As a beta reader, You will be tasked with assisting writers as they need while making their gift! ⛄
You do not need prior experience in Beta Reading to sign up, but remember that different authors have different requirement!Here is how it works:
SIGN-UPS: Fill out the beta reader application form!
ASSIGNMENT: You will be assigned to a writer anytime from when the Beta Reader Requests open to work posting! (Please check schedule for the dates!)
Reminder There is no guarantee that all beta readers get assigned to a writer! The demand for beta readers varies as the fest progresses!!
In the event of a writer or artist dropping out, you will be tasked with taking over their prompts and creating a gift fic/artwork! ⛄Here is how it works:
SIGN-UPS: Fill out the pinch hitter application form! (You are required to have an AO3 account to sign up as a writer and a twitter account to sign up as an artist!)
ASSIGNMENT: You will be assigned to a recipient anytime throughout the fest when a participant drops out!
Reminder You are free to either accept or decline an assignment. Pinch hitters do not receive a custom gift. :(
Jikook must be the main pairing/focus of your work.
Fics should be a minimum of 1,500 words.
All works should be COMPLETE, although it is alright to add epilogues/small chapters that do not add to the plot, etc. If not participants are requested to make it a series.
Fics should be in english.
Must have an AO3 account (for writers) or twitter account (for artists) to participate, it is alright to have private accounts, but participants are required come off of private during reveals.
There are no restrictions on who can participate, hence everyone is welcome to join the secret santa.
Any theme, genre and rating is allowed, hence participants are requested to tag all their works appropriately.
All Paricipants must interact with their gift!
Speaking negatively about your gift or secret santa publically anywhere will not be tolerated, and it will result in you being put on blacklist.
If participants plan on dropping out after the drop out deadline has passed, please contact the mods!! You will be blacklisted for dropping out without letting mods know!
Works cannot be deleted without consulting the mods!! Consider orphening/anonymize your work instead!
First check-in : 500 words
Second check-in : 800 words
Third check-in : 1000 words
PARTICIPANT FORMSREMINDER All participants can apply for multiple roles, You can sign up for all roles if you'd like!
June 1 - June 25: Participant sign-ups open.July 1: Prompts assigned.August 1: Beta request form opens.September 1: First check-in.September 15: Drop out deadline.October 1: Second check-in.November 1: Third check-in.November 1-5: Batch claiming
begins.November 25 - November 30: Work Submissions.December 1-20:Posting in batches.December 25: Secret Santa revealed.

*all mods are over the age of 18
Do not hesitate to reach out to us regarding anything! <3